My work seeks
light through chromatic vibrations, where being is represented in its ancestral dimension.

my art
I came to abstract painting after years of research on the synthesis of form, which over time, in my paintings, ended up dissolving almost completely in color. I prefer informal art even if in my works I have maintained the presence of a subject that interacts with the background and the elements of the painting. I try to represent ancestral forms, where being is conceived in a universal form. I chose to adopt the classic technique of oil painting because it allows me to bring out the color through shades and transparencies. It is no coincidence that I love a painting of atmospheric sensations where the sign is dissolved and everything acquires a fluid aesthetic. Light is very important to me to create color variations and emphasize the concept of dynamism. The exploration of movement and brightness is fundamental in all my works, associated with studies of philosophy, spirituality and quantum physics. This is because I believe in an art that seeks harmony through an open vision that embraces infinite points of view.
-International Abstract Competition – Art Show International (NY) – Finalist Award
-Int. Contemporary Art Exhibition – Art room Gallery (London) – Finalist Award for Nature Art
-UIL- National Union of Artist – writers – Award for five years of career; Italy
-“HART UG”- Rome-Kiev at the San Salvatore in Lauro Museum: Second Prize Roma, Italy
-Int. "NOVECENTO" Award dedicated to Guttuso - Villa Palagonia Bagheria (PA)
-Prize “Città di Monselice”- VII Prize in the Painting section- San Paolo Monselice Museum- Monselice, Italy
-Capitolium Prize - Museum Area of the Army of the Grenadiers (Rome) V edition of Contemporary Art
-IX International Prize “Remo Brindisi”- V Prize in the Painting section - Barberini Palace in Rome; Roma
-XIV Biennial of Painting “Città di Soliera”- Editorial Award of the Comed-Guide of Fine Art Soliera, Italy
-IV Edition International Prize “Old and Young talents in comparition”-III Painting section award, Rome; Italy
-Ripetta 2000 Award- Spazio Galerie : First Prize in the Youth section-Secon Prize in the Abstract Painting, Rome